With DynaHTML, web pages with semi-dynamic content can be created offline. Thereby the semi-dynamic content is created using php code. The code itself, static html, and the script output are kept in the same file. This enables the use of arbitrary html-editors (including wysiwyg-ediors) or html-tools to edit the static content. Also webserver load is kept low because using DynaHTML most script operations can be done offline.
php-commands, that shall be executed offline, are being surrounded by html-comments instead of the usual "<?php ... ?>": "<!--php command1(); command2();... -->"
A utility, that parses the html-files, processes these commands and writes the script output into the same html-file. Thereby, the output is embraced by html-comments to identify that it was generated by script commands: "<!--php_begin-->" and "<!--php_end-->" Output that was created in preceding passes of the utility are removed.
php-commands, that shall be executed when the page is delivered by the webserver, are still being surround by the usual "<?php ... ?>".